Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lunch at Isdaan Tarlac

This is a long overdue post. We went to Isdaan, Tarlac just to have a quick lunch last November. If I am not mistaken this was the All Saints Day weekend. We took the SCTEX (Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway) route which made the trip a lot shorter. Took us two hours to get there and voila! It was packed. We were all starving as it was two o'clock in the afternoon. Way past lunch time!
While waiting, we took a stroll around the area that takes you somewhere at a park in Thailand. Amazing floating restaurants docked in fish ponds. They'd give you fish food for free. Somethings kids and adults alike would love to do.


After fifteen minutes we were finally seated, thank God! We were just a small group (all five of us) compared to the big families who came in ahead of us. Didn't have time to really scrutinize the menu as we were all hungry. Asked the waiter for the food that gets cooked the quickest so, we had the famous tacsiyapo chicken. Can barely remember the rest of what we ordered. Didn't even have the time to snap pictures of the food.  I am no connoisseur, but I am just used to my mom-in-law's culinary skills, so I'd say it's not very impressive. Just order the unique stuff on the menu. Next time you're planning on a trip to the North or Isdaan, don't attempt to go on a public holiday. For that quick anti-stress relieving activity, try the tacsiyapo wall. You can buy plates, mugs, cups, or even old tv's and throw them at the wall shouting tacsiyapo! It feels good to actually do that. My verdict: stop by on your way back from the North. Not worth the trip if you just came here for food. Eat somewhere else.

Thanks you so much for reading! Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!

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