Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bagel Breakfast Burger

Good morning, everyone!

Nothing beats home made burger and so is making a great meal to jump start your day. The husband is working really hard for my shopping trips and me a bum at home (*wink, i know it's bad), so it's just appropriate that I make up for it by feeding him good food. Haha! Kidding aside, I know he gets hungry easily and since we don't eat rice in the morning, I try to be a bit creative.

Here's a simple burger made out of the usual american breakfast ingredients: bacon, eggs and bagel.

  • Bagels (plain or flavored, this one I used blueberry)
  • 2 Eggs, sunny side up ( I hate eating the yolk, so mine is well done)
  • Bacon (of your choice, used gourmet smoked lean bacon w/ no preservatives)
  • 2 Large Tomatoes, sliced
  • Cheese slices, Mozzarella preferred (I used Magnolia quick melt)
  • Salad greens, Romaine lettuce preferred
  • Onions (optional, the husband and I don't like it)

Cooking Instructions:
  1. Cook the eggs, sunny side up. 
  2. In the same pan, sear the bacon until cooked.
  3. Wash and dry the lettuce, tear up large ones. Slice the tomatoes and onions.
  4. Place the cheese on top of the bagel. Microwave on high for 20 seconds to melt the cheese.
  5. Arrange the burger like a pro. Eggs, bacon, tomatoes and lettuce.
  6. Serve with orange juice on the side. Happy eating!

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