Sunday, May 26, 2013

Treasure Island Flea Market

This was another spontaneous trip to the flea market at Treasure Island on a Memorial weekend with my husband and his friend, Jason. He played tour guide and driver for us for the past two days now. Isn't he awesome?
If we were staying here for good and we actually own a house here in California, I'd probably be buying a lot of vintage stuff from flea markets and spruce it up and do a little bit of crafty DIY. I can think of a lot of ways to do with the dresser pictured below.

 How cute is this dog with a GoPro attached to his body to document all his little adventures.

A Filipino food truck with all my favorites back home. So we ordered everything from the menu. I loved how they hit the right flavors I'm looking for. Total comfort food. You guys should try  the adobo and pancit. It's soo good!

This cute puppy played with me the whole time she's too cute I wish I can take her home with me.

{View of the San Francisco skyline from Treasure Island}

{The Alcatraz surrounded by thick clouds}

We went home empty handed but with a very happy belly. We enjoyed the food more than anything. I didn't really look around to buy something but maybe next time.

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