Saturday, May 18, 2013

Walk in the Park

We came across this really nice park at Foster City just before we were going to do our grocery shopping trip at Safeway earlier today. It was so pretty, serene and beautiful. Sitting there watching the clear blue lagoon was very calming. We took photos and hang out a little bit before continuing our agenda for the day. It's a nice place to have a picnic with the family and kids in their bikes enjoying the fresh air. Just the perfect spot to spend a lazy afternoon.
{Leo J Ryan Memorial Park}
{Sitting on one of the memorial bench spread out in the park}

{Found this  in one of the poles at the lagoon. Cool, huh?}

{I'm wearing a sweater from Hongkong, Jeans - American Eagle Outfitters, necklace - H&M, shoes - Forever21, vintage bag, watch -  vintage casio}

{My husband propped his camera in one of the drinking fountains to get this shot.}
{I can't say enough how beautiful this park is.}

{Pretty flowers in bloom.}

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