Monday, June 3, 2013

Wiser and A Year Older

{Union Square}
I had a blast over the weekend. Celebrating my birthday at downtown SanFran admiring art exhibits, people watching and a bit of shopping spree! I have been blessed immensely and I couldn't ask for anything more. I have an amazing husband, family and friends who loves me dearly.

{I'm wearing Blouse and Shorts - Greenhills (Philippines), Belt- Plains and Prints, Bag- Louis Vuitton, Shoes- Forever21}

As I turn a year older, I have a lot of realizations:
That life is wonderful! I'll live it one day at a time. I shouldn't worry about my age and getting wrinkles because it's part of being human. Be proud of my laugh lines because I only live once. I should strive to keep a positive outlook everyday. As I live through another year, I will make sure to only think of happy thoughts and positive vibes. Live a more meaningful life by being contented with what I have and be grateful for every little things. Cheers!

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