Saturday, September 7, 2013

Travelogue: The 17-Mile Drive

This is a very late post but I am trying to catch up on me  being MIA on this blog for a very long time. I've been flying back and forth to Houston to help out my sister as she being not so well lately. I can't complain as I adore the kids a lot and I miss them too! Anyway, before I flew to Houston, the husband and I had a quick weekend getaway to the famous 17-mile scenic drive in Pacific Grove, California. I fell in love with California even more. Here's why:

 We had lunch at Stillwater Bar and Grill at the Lodge at Pebble beach. This was our view. 
The food was great. Looking at these pictures makes me hungry.
The fresh oysters was to die for! My tuna was cooked perfectly and oh, the dessert was decadent. Definitely worth checking out.