Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014!

Spent the day strolling around downtown San Francisco and decided to watch the sunset at Grand View park to cap the first day of 2014. The couple in the picture makes it more romantic. What a sight to see. Picturesque.
Looking back, 2013 has been an amazing year. I am truly beyond grateful for all the wonderful things that came to pass and humbled upon all the difficulties we've gone through. I am a better person now and we are stronger even as a couple. As I welcome this new year, like this beautiful sunset, there's always a promise of a better tomorrow and a new beginning.

Happy New Year!

I stumbled upon this quote online from Meredith Grey:

Who gets to determine when the 
old ends and the new begins?
It's not on the calendar, it's not a birthday,
it's not a new year,
it's an event -- big or small,
something that changes us,
ideally it gives us hope,
a new of living and looking at the world,
letting go of old habits, old memories.
What's important is that we never stop believing
we can have a new beginning,
but it's also important to remember
amid all the crap
are a few things worth holding on to.