Thursday, October 31, 2013

My First Pumpkin Patch

Since we had rental car for the weekend, we drove around highway 1 to look for a pumpkin patch because I just wanted to have my picture taken with the pumpkins! As shallow as it is, but yes. Haha! Besides it'll be good to just be a kid sometimes as we never experienced this growing up. Lucky we spotted one along the highway and not so busy with kids. We didn't bring our camera though and just took photos using my trusty iPhone because I only wanted to Instagram it. :)

The ginormous pumpkin. The first I've seen in my life. Pretty awesome!

Ah yes, the photo op not to be missed

To give you a scale on how big the pumpkin is. Yes, it's a real pumpkin.

Foggy and cold.

A selfie with the pumpkin should not be missed. LOL

Pick a pumpkin your own size. 

Went home with these babies.

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Travelogue: Old Town Sacramento

Joseph and I went to visit his high school buddy, Jason in Sacramento over the weekend. We had a lot of fun touring around the oldest town in Sacramento which dates back from the "gold rush" era. We had a blast playing dress up as southern belle and gunslinger for an old style "black and white" photo op. Totally worth checking out if you don't mind wearing costumes that has been worn by almost everyone else that day.

I was really surprised how the dress didn't look way too big on me in this picture. The lady had to put clips behind my back as it would fall off. It's like ten sizes bigger! Imagine in the old days women had to wear this heavy dress in almost everything. Even climbing wooden ladders during the great flood.

The old town has been kept pretty much looking the same as it was way back. A lot of restaurants that you can grab a quick lunch or dinner to. We took a two hour historical walking tour and it was very informative and entertaining albeit a little hot and humid that day. They took us underground (under the wooden walkways) and a lot of history was attached to this cute little touristy spot in Sacramento. 

Back in the "gold rush" era, the Sacramento river behind me was where all the business and gold trading happened.

Perfect spot for photo ops.

Aah! Easily my favorite place. An old school candy shop.

The original Wells Fargo building. Still has a working ATM inside and a mini museum.

 The Sacramento Capitol building.