Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sta Cruz Boardwalk

 I finally had a taste of the Californian summer! This week has been pretty warm throughout the day and in the late afternoon. It was said to be the hottest weather for the rest of the month, so we had a spontaneous road trip to Sta Cruz boardwalk.
 The place was packed and looking for a parking was like a needle in a haystack. Traffic was really bad. It took us 4 hours each way. Pretty much disappointed because it was just crazy full of people and I think everyone else in Northern California decided to go there too. Even queuing for the rest room will take you like thirty minutes.
Not my idea of a beach intended for swimming. The waves were strong and I think it's actually dangerous to swim on it. If this is the closest you got to having a summer vacation on the beach might as well just enjoy it. I skipped skinny dipping though.

I couldn't say it was well worth the trip 'cause I got really sick on our way back. I was nauseous the entire drive home. We should check out this place sometime late summer when everyone else got tired of it already. Maybe then I'd appreciate it more.

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