Thursday, June 20, 2013

Quinoa Risotto with Portobello Mushrooms

Quinoa is a great alternative to carbs and it's super healthy. I've read that it is very high in fiber and and low in sugar. For those of you who are diabetic, I think this is a good alternative to rice. Just research about it and you'll learn more of the health benefits as I will not elaborate on that. I am surprised that this dish turned out really good and this will be another weekly staple on my menu instead of our usual pasta night. Risotto is an Italian favorite and what they call the food made with love. You have to keep stirring from beginning to the end. So it'll do a lot of workout for your arms in the process.

I served my risotto with Italian chicken sausage for dinner last night. I didn't fuss so much on taking the nicest picture as we were both hungry. Lol.

Adapted this recipe from Trader Joe's with minor tweaking.

4 Tbsps. EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
2 Cups Portobello mushrooms, sliced
1 Cup Quinoa, soaked for 1 hour or more then rinsed
5 Cups or more Vegetable broth if you want it vegan or low sodium chicken broth (please don't use the granulated ones--it's really bad)
1/3 Cup Sweet Rice Wine (Mirin - Japanese cooking wine)
1 Onion, diced
2 Cloves Garlic, minced
1/4 Cup grated Parmesan cheese (Make sure it's the real thing, not the granulated or grated ones that comes from the can)
1/4 Cup Creme Fraiche (optional)
Italian Parsley for garnish

Cooking Instructions:
  1. In a large skillet, cook the Portobello mushrooms in olive oil over medium heat. Saute until brown and soft. Remove from pan and set aside.
  2. In the same skillet, saute onion and garlic until translucent and fragrant. Add the quinoa and saute until it is coated with oil.
  3. Pour the rice wine and saute until all the liquid is absorbed. Slowly add half a cup of warmed broth into the pan and keep stirring. Simmer until is absorbed. Keep stirring and adding the broth half cup at a time ensuring that the pan should almost dry out between additions. Keep stirring. Remember this is a labor of love for your family. Keep smiling when doing this. 
  4. Keep stirring still until the quinoa has burst and consistency is creamy but al dente (I had been stirring for about 30 minutes). Test for doneness.
  5. Season with salt and pepper and stir in the last addition of broth. When the liquid is almost absorbed but not dry, add in the Parmesan cheese. Turn off heat and cover pan for two minutes before serving.
  6. Stir in the mushrooms and creme fraiche (completely optional..I skipped this part to make it healthier). Garnish with a sprinkle of Parmesan and parsley on top. Enjoy!
Note: When cleaning the mushrooms, just wipe it off with kitchen towel and do not attempt to rinse it with water or your mushrooms will become soggy and watery when cooked. 

Creme Fraiche Recipe:Adapted from Food Network

1 Cup Heavy Cream
2 Tbsps Buttermilk

In a bowl combine cream and milk. Cover with a washcloth and let it stand for 12-16 hours on room temperature. Stir before putting in the fridge and ready to use the next day.

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