Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weekly Favorites

I find it hard to say a wish for myself when I got so much to be thankful for. My husband kept asking me two weeks ago for my birthday wish list and I can't seem to make up my mind. Despite my indecisiveness, we got to enjoy the weekend. We stayed in Sunday evening and ordered take out food from our favorite Asian deli near our apartment. I miss celebrating my birthdays back home, the intimate dinners with family and friends. This year, it's just the two of us. Oh, well maybe next year it'll be a lot more fun.
{We just discovered our  new favorite Chinese take out - the crispy shrimp we ordered for my birthday dinner}
I have been hearing a lot of great reviews about the beauty blender sponge. I saw this at Marshalls and gave it a try. I may have not tried using the beauty blender but I'd say, I am completely in love with this! Flawless foundation application. I am completely sold on this and may not consider buying the more expensive brand. This is a complete dupe since I am not quite convinced to pay three times more for the same great result. Try it for yourself.
I've been on a hunt for a new skincare product that will save my skin from its constant love-hate relationship with water, weather conditions here in California since we arrived. I found these on sale at Sears last weekend and thought of buying it after reading rave reviews from one of my favorite blogger/editor - Eva Chen. A week of using it and I can already see great results. What I loved about it is it's not sticky and it's not oil-based and my ever temperamental skin didn't react surprisingly. Kept me hydrated under make-up. I will keep using it and see what happens.
I think that the Trader Joe's version is overrated compared to this one. I've researched about speculoos cookies and found out that it originated in Belgium, Netherlands and Northern France. For those who can't get hold of the TJ's cookie butter, try this and you'll never look back. I honestly don't care when Trader Joe's is going to stock up on their own version of the speculoos because I think I already found my new love.

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