Sunday, June 9, 2013

Post Birthday Treat

{What I'm wearing: Jeans- JBrand houlihan, Shirt- H&M, Blazer- Gap, Shoes- Forever21, Bag - Louis Vuitton, Sunglasses- Chanel}
 My husband woke me up so early today and told me to get dressed for a trip to downtown San Francisco. He told me he was going to buy me a gift today since I was too indecisive last week that we ended up not getting anything at all. I was happy to oblige. I got a confession to make. I am scared to cross this bridge and  I cannot look down at highway 101 below. It just makes me feel like I'm gonna fall every time I look down. Weird, huh? I am pretty scared of heights.
{I love the ceiling. My husband took this picture while we were having tea at La Boulange}
We spent most of the day at Westfield Mall. We went straight Bloomingdales and tried looking for anything that I like to no avail. We exited the department store and came across Tiffany and Co. I secretly wanted to have another necklace or a pair of earrings for awhile now but still indecisive what to pick. So the husband nudged me into going inside the store and browse for silver jewelries. Thirty minutes later... I walked out with  these.
I am so keyed out for the rest of the day! I mean I went out with two boxes instead of one. I will reveal them in a different post next week. So hold on tight. We ended up watching "Now You See Me" after a Chinese sit down lunch at M.Y China. Finally caved in and had dim-sum. Yay!
{Lovely day at Market street. Very tourist concentrated area in San Francisco I'd say. Apart from Pier 39} 
My heart melted when I saw this homeless guy with his pet dog sleeping on the street. =(

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