Friday, June 14, 2013

Vampire Diaries and Just Being Lazy

My apologies as I have been sloppy again for not making any recipe post recently. I've been cooking but just didn't bother to take pictures of it. I have had a lazy week perhaps because I've been so busy at keeping up with missed episodes of Vampire Diaries. I am currently watching season four and I am starting to hate how Elena is behaving. Well, can't blame her because of the "sire" bond thing she got going with Damon. But still..can't she even control it? I just hate her right now. Well, anyway, I promise to share with you a new recipe next week so stay tuned. For now, I'd like to ogle on Ian Somerhalder a.k.a Damon Salvatore. Damn, he's hot!

Disclaimer: These images are not mine.

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