Thursday, October 31, 2013

My First Pumpkin Patch

Since we had rental car for the weekend, we drove around highway 1 to look for a pumpkin patch because I just wanted to have my picture taken with the pumpkins! As shallow as it is, but yes. Haha! Besides it'll be good to just be a kid sometimes as we never experienced this growing up. Lucky we spotted one along the highway and not so busy with kids. We didn't bring our camera though and just took photos using my trusty iPhone because I only wanted to Instagram it. :)

The ginormous pumpkin. The first I've seen in my life. Pretty awesome!

Ah yes, the photo op not to be missed

To give you a scale on how big the pumpkin is. Yes, it's a real pumpkin.

Foggy and cold.

A selfie with the pumpkin should not be missed. LOL

Pick a pumpkin your own size. 

Went home with these babies.

Happy Halloween!

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