Monday, January 28, 2013

Photo Diary: Sinulog Day 2

Where in the world can you find Street Dancing or parades that lasts till sunset? No wonder we were told to dress up comfortably and wear shoes that can save us from long hours of walking and standing as all the streets were practically closed. Everywhere you look there's thousands of people eagerly partying and orchestrating on the streets of Cebu. We were almost in a stampede-like crowd while looking for a place to eat. It was an all day affair and we only lasted for 4 straight hours and was dead tired by the time we came back to our hotel. Nevertheless, we had our fill of the Mardi Gras like costumes and the dances where every one else was smiling from ear to ear. Everyone still in festive mood despite the blazing heat of the sun.  I could feel my skin burning. Photographers from all walks of life surely had a lot of photogasmic shots that day. Here's a few of my husband's photos:

The Brady bunch..roasting in the streets of Cebu. Super hot day!

Next time, we'd try dancing in the middle of the road all dirty and sweaty to really feel the Sinulog spirit. This visit was a bit laid back as we were gearing up for something more adventurous - swimming with the whalesharks at Oslob the day after. I will post pics about that too! Stay tuned.

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