Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Quick Visit to My Hometown

Welcome to The City of Golden Friendship. Yup, that's where I spent most of my life until I got married. The rest of my family lives in Cagayan de Oro and a piece of my heart will always be there. This was completely an unplanned vacation. My husband told me we might get another off-shore assignment to the US any time between March and April. So he was the one who encouraged me to go visit my folks while I can. I was glad to oblige.

Sharing with you all the fun I had when I was there.
These are photos taken from my phone. I was too lazy to bring my husband's camera during the trip.

I love early morning flights. Can you spot the giant ship in the clouds? :)

Still dark when I arrived. So peaceful. Away from the bustling city life in Manila.
The moment I arrived my parent's home, this little fella greeted me with the sweetest smile. Priceless!
Tita duties. Prepping and doing her make-up for her mini fashion show at the mall.
Tita duties for the little kids. Lunch date at McDonald's Play place.
The brady bunch? haha. Raucous ones. It doesn't take so much to make them go happily crazy like this. 
Can you tell I am their favorite auntie? :)

I am happy they still get to enjoy simple pleasures like this.
 Later that day, I spent dinner with the older ones. This time I wasn't paying. 

My first niece and nephew from my older sisters.
 I was only expecting to meet with a few of my college classmates but it turned out we were all in the mall that day and just saw each other accidentally. Wow! Can you tell it's been 10 years since?
Lunch date with my sister from a different mother with her bf.
I love them both like my own sisters. 

It's always fun when I am around them. I am just sad that we had to be miles away from each other.

Lunch with the rest of my siblings. Our eldest sister didn't make it that day. My younger brother is in Singapore. My mom is in the US with my other sister and nephews. So this isn't a complete cast. But I was really happy to have spent time with them.

I will always be my daddy's girl. He's turning 73 this year and still going strong

It was a very short trip and I can't seem to take the thought of me having the time of my life while I left my husband behind. A part of me always wants to stay but for the most part I just miss him. So, toodles for now Cagayan! 


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