Saturday, April 13, 2013

Early Bird Breakfast Club and Cramming

I hope you're all having a great day. Mine is quite hectic and busy. Been packing and putting away stuff in boxes most of the week since we're going to be on another off-shore assignment in California! Yay! We'll be leaving on the fifteenth and I am just cramming. So much to do so little time.

Here's what we had for breakfast earlier as I don't have time to cook anymore. We head over to my new favorite breakfast place - the Early Bird Breakfast club. So much better than waiting in line at iHop which I think is ridiculous! 

I forgot the name of this dish, it's really good. Although my husband thinks I can pull if off better at home. 
I will make a better review about this restaurant next time or when we're back in Manila. For now head over there and try it out!
The restaurant is located at the Fort Strip and they serve breakfast all day.


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