Friday, May 31, 2013

Ramen Night

{Shirt- Mango, Jeans- J Brand, Jacket- American Rag, Shoes - Gap, Necklace- H&M, Vintage bag, Watch- Vintage Casio, Sunglasses- Rayban}
 Had a random dinner date with the husband and was seriously craving for some Japanese ramen fix. We found this restaurant at downtown San Mateo called Ajisen ramen and decided to give it try. Looking at the menu, it looks pretty enticing and price was decent too.
{I love this appetizer. Pickle set.}
At first glance, the ramen looked very oily to me and I got a bit disappointed. It's like swimming in oil. I've had ramen in different places except Japan (still on my bucket list) and they didn't look very oily to me. This was by far the oiliest in my list. The taste was okay for me but the husband thinks it was a bit salty, his was and mine was okay. So I don't really know what to say about that. We ended up not finishing the broth but least we ate most of the noodles. It was just too greasy. Unless there aren't any other place to eat, I'd keep looking.
{Potk ramen)
( I totally forgot what this was called}

 I really wished it tasted better than it looks in the menu.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Greek Penne Tuna Pasta

I can't live without pasta in my life. Can you? The ingredients remind me of a greek salad that I was craving tonight for dinner but since my mini pantry didn't have everything that I need, I settled for this.

  • 2 Cups Penne Pasta (cooked according to package instructions)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • 3 Cloves Garlic, minced
  • 1 Can Tuna flakes in brine (less oily)
  • 1 Can Sliced Black Olives (rinsed and drained)
  • 8 Ounce Canned Tomatoes in Garlic, Basil and Oregano
  • 2 Tablespoons Feta cheese or more for garnishing
  • 2 Tablespoons Parsley leaves, chopped 
  • Salt and Pepper 
Cooking Instructions:
  1. Cook pasta according to package instructions. 
  2. Heat olive oil and garlic in medium-low fire. Slowly cook the garlic until soft and fragrant.
  3. Add in tuna flakes and increase heat to medium-high. Saute for 3 minutes.
  4. Stir in tomatoes and olives. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Toss in pasta, parsley and feta cheese. Make sure to leave some for garnishing. Turn off heat while coating pasta with sauce.
  7. Garnish with remaining feta cheese and parsley. Enjoy!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Weekly Favorites

I always look forward to my alone time each week to do a bit of window shopping at Hillsdale mall or challenge myself into looking for stuff or clothes under 20 bucks. For two straight weeks now, I've been having a lot of luck. I scored these. 
{Peplum top and blazer from H&M}
We capped the memorial day weekend by visiting one of my favorite thrift or goodwill shop called "Plato's closet" in downtown San Mateo. I first discovered them when we were visiting our friends in Wisconsin back in 2011. I've bought a lot of good quality stuff at a very low price. The trick when shopping at flea markets or thrift shops is to bear in mind the kind of items you're looking for. I have been on a hut for a good cargo pants and it was such a pleasant surprise to find one there! 
{J Brand houlihan jeans is love! Sam Edelman leopard print flats, Ed Hardy tee new with tag}
{An ice-cold moscato and a movie in our new TV. Yay!}

Cheers to a wonderful week ahead!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Treasure Island Flea Market

This was another spontaneous trip to the flea market at Treasure Island on a Memorial weekend with my husband and his friend, Jason. He played tour guide and driver for us for the past two days now. Isn't he awesome?
If we were staying here for good and we actually own a house here in California, I'd probably be buying a lot of vintage stuff from flea markets and spruce it up and do a little bit of crafty DIY. I can think of a lot of ways to do with the dresser pictured below.

 How cute is this dog with a GoPro attached to his body to document all his little adventures.

A Filipino food truck with all my favorites back home. So we ordered everything from the menu. I loved how they hit the right flavors I'm looking for. Total comfort food. You guys should try  the adobo and pancit. It's soo good!

This cute puppy played with me the whole time she's too cute I wish I can take her home with me.

{View of the San Francisco skyline from Treasure Island}

{The Alcatraz surrounded by thick clouds}

We went home empty handed but with a very happy belly. We enjoyed the food more than anything. I didn't really look around to buy something but maybe next time.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day Trip to Napa Valley

Happy Memorial Day, America!

We spent the day wine tasting at the Robert Mondavi winery, thanks to Jason, my husband's high school classmate and best friend took us there for some Napa Valley experience. This was our first, and we were excited!
{The entrance/reception area of the Robert Mondavi winery}
We took the 45 minutes wine tasting walking tour and paid around 18$ each after the discount. We were a small group of ten and the tour guide was very articulate about the history of the Mondavi farm. 
{Baby grapes of a mature vine}
They created this paved pathway specifically for the wine tour goers as the number of visitors has significantly increased over the years. The walking tour allows you to take pictures and walk through the vineyards to see them up close. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes. I suggest rubber shoes or ballet flats as it can get really pebbly and little rocks and soil particles gets in your shoes.

 It was a bad idea for me to be wearing my wedge sandals on walking tour. A girl must endure in the name of fashion. LOL.
{I'm wearing: blouse - H&M, trousers - H&M, sandals - Franco Sarto, Bag - H&M, watch - vintage casio}
{Seating area for large group of walking tours}
{mature vines)
The 31-acre To Kalon vineyard originally planted in 1868 is recognized as one of the first-growth vineyards of the world. To kalon means "the highest beauty" in greek.
{Interesting fact: they use GPS locations to map and plant the vineyards to achieve this perfectly straight line}
{Oak tanks where the grapes are fermented for two weeks after crushing}
{I forgot what they call this machine. But this is what they use to crush the grapes}
The wine cellar is temperature and moisture controlled where all the oak barrels are stored and the wines are aged for a year or so. Robert Mondavi believed that using the oak barrels significantly improved the flavor of his wine thus using these barrels which  were ordered and shipped from France.
{Interesting fact: each oak barrel contains 300 bottles of wine}

We had three kinds of wines during the wine tasting. I understood now why people had to swirl the wine in their glasses and smell it before sipping. You have to smell the aroma for you to determine the kind of wine even before tasting it.

I was feeling it like the real housewives of Orange County. LOL.

Some random guy from the group was asking me where I was from and started chatting with me and asked me the weirdest question of the day "are you going to make your own wines in the Philippines?". I smiled and said no and that we're only there as a tourist. In the back of my mind, sure, I wish. I mean do I look like I can afford to have my own vineyard? You tell me. Haha!

{Who wouldn't want to be the daughter or Mr Rober Mondavi}

Maybe I had too much to drink during the wine tasting. I particularly liked the sweet Moscato wine and the Sauvignon Blanc. All I know is at the end of the tour, I was too confident to make my own ANTM (America's Next Top Model) photo op in the middle of the vineyard. Way fun!

I love long weekends and spontaneous road trips! What did you do today?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

San Francisco Day Out

I met with an old friend and ex-workmate from Cagayan de Oro last Sunday, as she came to visit San Francisco on a tour for a few days. We went and did all the touristy stuff and it was so much fun! I learned to appreciate how beautiful San Francisco is, the architecture and it's people.

{The building at the back looks like the Flatiron buidling in NYC.}
{Cables where all the buses and trains are connected. }
We were stranded for an hour and a half waiting for the bus to go to the Fisherman's wharf and later learned that it was because of the marathon that the bus had to reroute. Some of the marathoners in costume.

{Looks like they were having so much fun. Who would have thought that beer and marathon goes well together.}
{Steep roads. On our way to Lombard Street.}

Driving around the area feels like a roller coaster ride. Exhilarating!  
{The crookedest street in the world. Lombard.}

Even on a weekday this street is packed with tourists. I wonder what the neighborhood feels about this or if they even get any kind of gratuity for allowing people to roam freely in the area.
{It was pretty fun driving through it.}

The husband thinks that I'm better off in the passenger seat than behind the wheel. Lol.
{With my good friend Erina. Admiring the Victorian houses.}

I'd love to own one of these houses. I'm pretty sure buying a property in this area is rather expensive.
{One of the prettiest houses we've seen at the Alamo square apartments.} 

The owner of this house arrived while we were taking pictures and she gladly agreed we take our time. They're too nice and friendly. They would have let us in if we asked for a viewing inside the house but that would be too much invasion of privacy.

Isn't it awesome to wake up with is kind of view? The homeowners are so lucky they have this beautiful  park across the street.

The touristas. The only group picture we ever had. Erina's husband, David and el hub of course.

We had lunch at Pier39. It was almost impossible to find a parking nearby and pretty expensive too! I suggest you take the public transportation rather than bringing your car on a weekend.

Look! They're kissing. Aw, aren't they so sweet?

We only see the Golden Gate bridge as a cover of our school notebook when we were kids. I remeber it was painted in silver and didn't even know the significance of it. 

At the Palace of Fine Arts

The park is gorgeous! Another option to spend a lazy morning or afternoon people watching, going on a picnic playing frisbee or simply enjoying the cool breeze and the Californian sun.

Perfect spot for photo ops.

We capped the day at the Chinatown shopping for cheap little trinkets and souvenirs.