Thursday, May 23, 2013

San Francisco Day Out

I met with an old friend and ex-workmate from Cagayan de Oro last Sunday, as she came to visit San Francisco on a tour for a few days. We went and did all the touristy stuff and it was so much fun! I learned to appreciate how beautiful San Francisco is, the architecture and it's people.

{The building at the back looks like the Flatiron buidling in NYC.}
{Cables where all the buses and trains are connected. }
We were stranded for an hour and a half waiting for the bus to go to the Fisherman's wharf and later learned that it was because of the marathon that the bus had to reroute. Some of the marathoners in costume.

{Looks like they were having so much fun. Who would have thought that beer and marathon goes well together.}
{Steep roads. On our way to Lombard Street.}

Driving around the area feels like a roller coaster ride. Exhilarating!  
{The crookedest street in the world. Lombard.}

Even on a weekday this street is packed with tourists. I wonder what the neighborhood feels about this or if they even get any kind of gratuity for allowing people to roam freely in the area.
{It was pretty fun driving through it.}

The husband thinks that I'm better off in the passenger seat than behind the wheel. Lol.
{With my good friend Erina. Admiring the Victorian houses.}

I'd love to own one of these houses. I'm pretty sure buying a property in this area is rather expensive.
{One of the prettiest houses we've seen at the Alamo square apartments.} 

The owner of this house arrived while we were taking pictures and she gladly agreed we take our time. They're too nice and friendly. They would have let us in if we asked for a viewing inside the house but that would be too much invasion of privacy.

Isn't it awesome to wake up with is kind of view? The homeowners are so lucky they have this beautiful  park across the street.

The touristas. The only group picture we ever had. Erina's husband, David and el hub of course.

We had lunch at Pier39. It was almost impossible to find a parking nearby and pretty expensive too! I suggest you take the public transportation rather than bringing your car on a weekend.

Look! They're kissing. Aw, aren't they so sweet?

We only see the Golden Gate bridge as a cover of our school notebook when we were kids. I remeber it was painted in silver and didn't even know the significance of it. 

At the Palace of Fine Arts

The park is gorgeous! Another option to spend a lazy morning or afternoon people watching, going on a picnic playing frisbee or simply enjoying the cool breeze and the Californian sun.

Perfect spot for photo ops.

We capped the day at the Chinatown shopping for cheap little trinkets and souvenirs. 

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