Sunday, May 5, 2013

Outfit Post: Golden Gate Bridge

I went to school having one of these spiral notebooks with a drawing of the San Francisco bridge. I never paid too much attention about it as a kid until I was an adult putting up a bucket list of my own to see San Francisco. Who would have thought I could check it off sooner than I can imagine. I feel so blessed.

It was cloudy that day when my husband's high school friend, Jason came to pick us up earlier at our apartment for a day tour in San Francisco. I was thrilled that I'd finally get to see it for myself and have a picture taken with it.
This was taken on top of the hawk hill.
 It was exhilarating to see the international orange or orange vermilion art deco bridge before my very eyes. We got a very good vantage point and little less crowded compared to the ones at Fort Point.

Tagged as one of the world's most beautiful bridge took four years to complete its construction. It was named "Chrysopylae" or "Golden gate" by John C. Fremont referring to the Golden Gate Strait which is the entrance to the San Francisco bay from the Pacific ocean.

Interesting fact: It takes about 28 painters to do touch ups or repairs of corroding steel and around 20 more iron workers and laborers  to assist in maintaining the beauty of this bridge.
High school besties
 And of course an OOTD shot at the WWII Battery park or the old garrison. 
Insight jeans, Promod printed tee, Gap blazer, Toms ballet flats, Vintage bag, Kenneth Cole Husband's watch
Much love from San Francisco!

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