Wednesday, May 1, 2013

CPK Midweek Date

Who doesn't love a midweek date? I told my husband that I was craving for some buffalo wings all day so he took me out for a dinner date. There were no nearby wings and things or Hooters around San Mateo, so CPK was the next best option. What better way to eat CPK (California Pizza Kitchen) than in California itself where it all started. 

It was a bit warm earlier that allowed me to wear light clothes, yay! I had been hoping for a weather like this since we arrived, as you all know I wasn't ready for the Californian spring cold in my current wardrobe. But I am in no way wishing it'd get hotter than this or worse Manila-like humidity. 

Sorry for the poor picture quality. I used my trusty iPhone.
Cardigan and printed top from Greenhills, Leggings from Promod, Shoes from Forever21, Casio watch, H&M necklace

Strawberry fizz.. strawberry-flavored soda 

Maybe I'll try this next time

Original barbecue chicken chopped salad

Sourdough and olive oil 

Sicilian Pizza

I liked the salad and the crispy thin crust but the meat was too much for me. I wish I ordered the vegetarian version. Nonetheless, we enjoyed the night with a good laugh about how my husband got through the day at work and my ever boring routine with no TV or internet at home for more than a week now. My scalp prickles at how slow the service is going for our AT&T internet application. If they don't get it done tomorrow, I'd pull my hair out of frustration. I feel so disconnected. Not! Thanks to our friendly neighborhood bubble tea house called OCHA. We've been hanging out almost every night for free wi-fi. LOL.

He's looking very serious playing Candy crush for sure ;)

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